What You Need to Know about Rear-end Crashes
FACT: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that rear impact collisions result in more injuries than any other type of automobile accident.
FACT: According to the National Safety Council, rear-end collisions are the most common type of automobile accident. Each year, more than 2.5 million rear-end accidents happen in the United States. The NSC also reports that about 20 percent of drivers hit from behind experience whiplash, which can be a long-lasting and debilitating injury.
A small price to pay
As you can see by the chart below, Blinking Brake Lights reduce the reaction time of people driving behind you that means less chance of being rear ended, the price of the Blinking Brake Lights is a small price to pay for the damage and inconvenience that happens in traffic accidents.
Driving Behaviors Reported For Drivers And Motorcycle Operators Involved In Fatal Crashes, 2015
What Causes Rear-end Motor Vehicle Accidents?
With so many accidents caused by rear-end crashes, it’s important to know how these accidents occur. The most common reasons for rear-end crashes include:
Distracted Drivers
Perhaps more so than any other category, distracted driving is responsible for a large number of rear-end accidents. Any activity that takes a driver’s eyes of the road – even for a few seconds – can lead to an accident. When motorists listen to music, text, use a cell phone, apply makeup, eat, or even glance in their backseat while driving, they are not fully engaged in operating their vehicle.
Following Too Closely
Also known as “tailgating”, following too closely is a common cause of rear-end accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, tailgating is responsible for one-third of all rear-end collisions. Many reasons lead drivers to follow too closely, including excessive speed, reckless driving, and road rage.
Bad Weather
We experience our fair share of inclement weather. Heavy rain, ice, and snow can make it difficult for drivers to see cars in front of them.
Impaired Drivers
When drivers abuse substances and then get behind the wheel, accidents happen with disturbing frequency. Although most people associate impaired driving with alcohol, any substance that compromises a driver’s ability to operate his or her vehicle in a safe manner can lead to an accident. These substances include both illegal and prescription drugs as well as over-the-counter medication.